how to embrace an entrepreneurial mindset within our spiritual practice

discover how to cultivate an abundant yoga teacher’s mindset whilst staying true to yourself.

As a yoga teacher, I have noticed that one of the biggest mental barriers we have to overcome is perceiving our holistic space as a business. Even the act of connecting words like ‘spirituality’ and ‘yoga’ with ‘business’ or ‘money’ makes us feel uneasy.

It just doesn’t align with our soulful mission.

We chose this heart-centered path to inspire our yoga students and share our yoga love, not to learn how to run a business, create Facebook ads, or produce email marketing.

Yet it is this very resistance that might be the missing part to creating a sustainable and thriving yoga business.

The reality is that successful yoga teachers are also successful business owners; they embrace an entrepreneurial mindset in equal measure to deepen their yoga skills and knowledge. Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is the perspective we must choose to serve our growth. If we want to inspire more yoga students and share your yoga love on a wider scale, breaking through our limiting believes of business is the key.

Let’s address a few other limiting beliefs.

Limiting Belief #1: I feel uncomfortable earning money while sharing a spiritual practice.

Try to look at earning money as an exchange of energy. Everything in nature seeks balance, and so there has to be a fair trade in this exchange too. Receiving money in exchange for a service should be considered a deep act of self-care.

You want to offer the best possible yoga experience during your classes. You want to support your students to the best of your mental, physical and spiritual capabilities, which means you have to be in your best state possible. Financial stress isn’t a very good companion here.

We also need to understand that people tend to commit more and go through greater transformation if they invest more: more time, more effort, and yes– more money. 

Limiting Belief #2: Yoga teachers shouldn’t be sales-oriented

What if we redefine the idea of a selling process? Let’s look at the act of selling as an act of serving. There is an important reason why you decided to follow your soulful path, and you truly believe that a yoga practice that will benefit your students.

If you connect with this space within your heart while holding a compassionate conversation with your students, you will not feel any unease or discomfort. Something that you might have once considered a sales pitch, can actually be a genuine act of soulful help and support.

Limiting Belief #3:  I don’t have enough time, money or knowledge to grow a yoga business.

When you are resourceful, open-minded, and willing to work through your fears, there are no limitations. You can achieve whatever you dream of. 

We need to learn how to cultivate an abundant and successful yoga teacher’s mindset on an every-day basis. We can grow our yoga community and promote our holistic offerings while staying true to ourselves and to our yoga passion. We can share a spiritual practice but at the same time enjoy financial freedom and create a sustainable living. 

There is a saying in Taoism that I really connect with: “There are multiple ways to look at one situation and we should always choose the perspective that serves our growth the most”. 

I start my day with something that truly inspires me and helps me to get into a positive and joyful place: listening to a podcast, repeating an intention during my morning meditation or reflecting on my past victories.

Growth happens outside our comfort zone, so we have to try to work through our fears, take action, and keep ourselves grounded and focused on our soulful vision.   

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