reasons why it’s okay to take a yoga selfie

I’ve decided to weigh in on a debate that has captured the yoga community. As a proud owner of a yoga Instagram, here are 8 reasons why I think it’s okay to take yoga selfies:

1. Photos, while only capturing a snapshot, can trigger memories, experiences, and feelings that we may have forgotten.

I like looking back on my yoga Instagram to see the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met through yoga. If selfies help you remember these joyful times, then go for it!

2. It’s a form of expression.

Taking photos is a creative art form. We can use photos to express ourselves; yoga selfies are an extension of our creativity.

3. It can help track progress.

I love seeing progress photos on Instagram. Many yogis have practiced long and hard to achieve their pose. If you are proud, then why not share it with the world?

4. It’s a way of inspiring others.

I love flicking through Instagram and looking at funky variations of crow or tripod headstand. Posts like these are fun and playful and can provide inspiration for yogis who might want to inject something new into their practice.

5. Yoga is what you want it to be.

Some people say that taking photos of yoga means you’re into “doing yoga posas” rather than “practicing yoga”. But if taking a yoga selfie means you connect with your body and with your breath, then surely that still is yoga

6. Selfies can form part of a diary.

These days, what’s the difference between a photo with a caption and writing in a journal?

7. Instagram is a community.

The yoga community on Instagram is an incredibly friendly and helpful Sangha/Kula (the Sanskrit words for Community) in its own right. Isn’t that all part of yoga too?

8. Instagram is global.

Instagram has helped connect people of all ages, sizes, shapes, ethnicities, and nationalities. The benefits of yoga should be shared with this global community. Yoga selfies can help spread the word of yoga while uniting the yogis across the globe.

I completely understand yogis who do not and will not post a yoga selfie. However, we shouldn’t criticize those choose to. Whether or not you take selfies doesn’t make you any more or less of a yogi. Acceptance, compassion, and kindness make you more of a yogi. Let’s not forget that!

Also read 10 reasons to stop taking yoga selfies.