the 9 types of intelligences according to howard gardner


Through this article, let’s do justice to all beautiful beings who sometimes doubted their intelligence, either because of :

  • the judgments of others,
  • their repeated failures in specific fields,
  • or because of a problematic school career.

What is the intention of this article?

I will share the different forms of intelligence identified by Howard Gardner. This professor of psychology at Harvard University in the United States received the Grawemeyer Award in 1990 in the Education category. His work has contributed to the creation of new educational programs.

His research has shown that we are all holders of multiple intelligences, 9 in total. These are independent of each other and do not have a superiority ranking. It means, in concrete terms, that we all have innate and multiple faculties and that we are therefore equal in the face of the diversity of our intelligence.

Howard Gardner’s approach is a fabulous tool for personal development. Indeed, as soon as we are aware of the existence and diversity of our intellectual capacities, they can considerably and positively influence our vision of life on different aspects:

PERSONAL: to know oneself better, learn quickly, and stimulate oneself efficiently.
EDUCATIONAL: to adapt our educational programs to meet all better needs.
COLLECTIVE: to increase our tolerance and stop our hasty judgments
FAMILY: to value and accompany our children in their personal and intellectual development.
PROFESSIONAL: adapt our evaluation and recruitment methods within the company.

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So, what are our multiple intelligences?

I strongly encourage you to take the time to identify, in the list below, your intelligence as well as those of your loved ones. It will have a very beneficial impact on your emotional relationships.

Linguistic Intelligence

This intelligence offers natural ease of expression, whether oral or written. As a result, language becomes a unique tool that allows us to share, value, and reach our goals.

Musical Intelligence

Thanks to this intelligence linked to a good ear, we can think in rhythms and melodies. As a result, we quickly recognize musical patterns and create new ones.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

We can calculate, measure, and solve mathematical or scientific problems. This intelligence links us to an understanding of numbers and a logic that allows us to analyze cause and effect.

Spatial Intelligence

It is the ability to visualize and represent elements in space easily. We also have an innate sense of orientation. This visual-spatial intelligence facilitates the movement and positioning of objects, surfaces, or shapes in our minds.

Kinesthetic Intelligence

It is the ability to use one’s body to express an idea or a feeling. Movement and gesture become simple tools to understand, receive and give. This intelligence allows us to make contact and express ourselves through touch.

Intra-personal intelligence

Our spontaneous interest in introspection offers fundamental knowledge of ourselves. We can understand our emotions, analyze our behaviors and question our actions. It allows us to be aware of who we are and to manage our lives better.

Interpersonal intelligence

In this case, our intelligence is turned towards others. We understand their realities, their truths, or their needs. It leads to an ease in human relations and facilitates the development of emotional bonds while limiting conflicts.

Naturalist Intelligence

This intelligence shows an interest in nature and the animal world. We instinctively understand their functioning, their needs, and their organizational systems. As a result, we feel at ease and communicate spontaneously with them by adhering to their values.

Existential Intelligence

This spiritual intelligence consists of questioning the origin and meaning of things. One is often passionate about philosophy and mathematics. We efficiently integrate the importance of life, its interactions, and connections in time and space.

The benefits of recognizing and knowing our different forms of intelligence

Opening our curiosity

This discovery fundamentally changes the way we look at ourselves and others. It is up to us to be more curious to understand our intelligence and be interested in those of the beings around us. It allows us to communicate and interact with our environment better.

Improve self-esteem

We can better love ourselves when we become aware of the diversity of our innate abilities and when we identify our potential to be developed. The intelligence with which we are not connected does not make us “stupid” but rather individuals less predisposed to these types of talents.

Since life can be understood and lived through different points of view, each of us has the same chance to accomplish what we desire, considering our reality.

We understand, moreover, instinctively why we accomplish specific tasks with ease while others require much more effort.

Developing our potential

By observing our development axes, this discovery of Howard Gardner becomes an exciting tool for personal stimulation. We can decide to acquire new intelligences and challenge ourselves easily.

How to quickly acquire complementary bits of intelligence?

Also, read >>> Perfectly imperfect

Simply by building on the ones you already have.

For example, it will be easier for a kinesthetic person to learn math with cubes or dominoes. At the same time, someone with a musical ear will find it easier to integrate their multiplication tables by singing.

How will our multiple intelligences positively influence our human relationships?

Here are a few practical examples that demonstrate the positive influence of this approach in our daily lives:

For our children

  • Identify and value their talents to allow them to increase their self-esteem.
  • Eradicate the word ‘failure’ in the face of their difficulties and choose the appropriate method to accompany them.
  • To better support them in their academic and professional careers.
  • To choose their extra-curricular activities with accuracy.

At the couple level

  • Accept our vulnerability by recognizing our differences and our limits.
  • Use your partner’s intelligence to communicate clearly or get out of conflict.
  • Stimulate each other to acquire the intelligence of our partner.
  • Divide the family tasks in the awareness of our intelligence.

At the level of friends

  • Know who to turn to for the most appropriate support or advice.
  • Offer effective and effortless help by responding favorably to a request that corresponds to our talents.
  • Give appropriate gifts and surprises.

In the professional arena

  • Recruiting the right employees by identifying the forms of intelligence required.
  • Define the proper training for the evolution of your teams.
  • Optimize the involvement and efficiency of employees by adapting and multiplying our communication methods.
  • Reduce situations of failure and frustration among staff.
  • Create efficient workgroups by bringing together complementary intelligence.


Here you are, dear readers, honour your various bits of intelligence because they and they remind you how right it is to unite us to move forward collectively with intelligence. The time has come to love each other better, trust each other, and respect the diversity of our human talents!