kauai, the island of wisdom


a personal journey

I spent many family vacations on the Hawaiian Islands growing up.  It is of no coincidence that 20 years ago, I started my spiritual journey with a crystal healer on Kona. Over the years, I have visited the islands many times to study under different kahunas to learn about ancient healing modalities.

Once, I visited Kauai and it rained a TON! On a soul level, it was an intense trip. A healer, who I met on the island, told me “Kauai is a very powerful place. If you are open to the energy, it will take you for a ride. All your ”˜stuff’ will come to the surface and that is why they call it the wisdom Island. It will mirror back to you what you need to see.”

On the last day of my trip, she took me to an ancient fertility site that is considered a holy and sacred ground to the natives. To enter the space, you must be allowed entrance by the kahuna who guards the land. Many people travel from all over the world to see it and are turned away. Humbly, I was allowed in. The experience that I had that day was life changing. It was as If I was transported into another energy field, that vibrated at a different vibration and dimension.

I was fascinated by the rock formations that resembled Stonehenge. The kahuna allowed me to take pictures of the ancient rocks, which was unheard of. Others I was with were not allowed to be photographed-ironically all the pictures that I took that day turned out blurry and in no way captured what I saw. I was particularly drawn to one rock. The rock had a hole in it and it was believed that when you place your thumb in it, it could change your DNA structure.  This rock allegedly aligns with the constellation Orion and the Pyramids of Egypt.

The next day, I sadly had to leave Kauai. I felt as if my trip had ended way too soon. There was so much more information I needed to learn, feel and experience. My new healer friend told me “If it’s meant for you to come back to Kauai, soon all the doors will open for you and you will return.”

Upon my return from Kauai, I talked to my business partner about it nonstop. I felt that it was very important that we both go back to Kauai because there is something on this island that we need to learn and share with others. She told me that she had always had a similar feeling about Kauai. We waited a few months and suddenly, all the doors opened for us and we were able to book the trip.

In that time, I have learned that when we trust our hearts and listen to our intuition, magic happens. We are seekers of truth on an adventure to bring the latest, and most authentic, information on how to shift energy to our community. The unknown awaits us, and today, we take the first steps towards it, trusting that spirit will lead the way.

Read next >> a vacation for transformation