how to stay on track

turn your goals into rituals!

January: a time of ambitious goal setting and New Year’s resolutions. Big, bold visions of radiant health, success and relationships were announced to friends and family and recorded in journals everywhere around the globe. 

Are you still sticking with your resolutions, or did they already vanish into thin air? If you find yourself admitting defeat, don’t lose hope. Even though it is very important to have your end goal in mind, to stay on track it’s even more important to break those goals down into manageable action items.

This year, instead of focusing on New Year’s resolutions, focus on implementing new rituals that support the goals you want to achieve. 

Your life comes from your rituals

So how do you start? Start simply. Meaning, don’t over ritual-ize your life. Identify three small changes you can implement today that are going to have a huge impact on your life in the long run.

Let’s say your goal is to feel healthy and full of energy, to get in shape and to make your body a priority this year. Here are some examples of rituals concerning health:

–       Daily Meditation (15 minutes)

–       Daily Spirulina Shot

–       Daily Yoga or Workout Session (Better to do 20 min everyday than 2 hours once a week)

–       Daily Headstand in the Morning

As you can see, these habits are simple and not time consuming at all. In doing them consistently, you’ll enjoy major benefits like increased energy levels, a calmer mind and a healthy body.

If you start to slack off, just acknowledge your slip up without judgment and get back on track. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your improvements.

Now it’s your turn. Think of three small changes you can implement today, to create this life you have always imagined. Write them down, pin them somewhere you’ll see them every day, and stick to it.

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