7 days to a balanced life: day 3



Lift your vibration to its highest through meditation.

Meditation is one of the biggest “unkept secrets”, yet few people fully understand the power of this simple tool for true transformation.

Consistency is the key.

Introduce the “no excuse deal”, where you commit to 5 minutes each day, and you will see astronomical results. No excuses – you can find 5 minutes a day to meditate, whether that’s on your way to work or sitting at your desk.

15 minutes of meditation isn’t needed to see the compelling effects meditation can bring – all you need is 5 minutes each day, making sure you stick with it on a daily basis.

Keep it simple.


If the thought of meditation is daunting, there are so many great 5 minute guided meditations that will leave you feeling inspired, rejuvenated and uplifted.

One of our favorite’s for guided meditations, is the YouTube channel, Live Sonima.

We have carefully selected one of their meditations for you to use every morning.

Daily meditation will transform your life in ways you cannot foresee. It won’t be long until you’re raving to your loved ones about how much meditation has transformed your life.

NOTE: Keep in mind that balance is essential. Clear your mind and meditate, then grab your dancing shoes and get your heart rate up through the power of dance, not forgetting to add both practices to your gratitude list. 

We would love to hear from you on what’s the most difficult for you when it comes to your meditation practice – share your experience in the comment box below.

Add meditation to day 1, day 2 and you’ll be one step closer to your highest vibration. 

Stay on track with your balanced life journey on day 4, day 5, day 6, and day 7.