Healthy body, healthy mind
Last Edited Date: September 9, 2024
Estimated reading time: 1 mns
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Namaste friends!
I want to bark about diet. We all know that regular yoga keeps you feeling great, but did you know that what you eat can help your practice? Woof! That’s right: eating healthy helps your body to feel great and your mind to stay clear.
Yogi Doggi includes lots of fresh veggies and fruits in his diet and does not eat fast food or junk food like fries or candy. If he eats too much, Yogi Doggi can’t move off his dog bed and his mind feels dull, so he makes sure his portions are just the right size. This way your furry friend has even more energy for his yoga practice!
Read next >> top 5 health benefits of the ketogenic (keto) diet