got the blues? snap out of it!

By definition, depression means, “sadness; gloom, dejection; a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason”. Is this really how you think of your life and what is or is not happening to you?

Generally suffering, or depression sets in when things we cannot attain  as our supreme goals; seeking that which cannot possibly happen, because of the desire to have more. Today’s society has led us to believe if we buy or have more, we will be fulfilled. For me, the personal desires are very high on the “low” factor although, as a perfectionist, I like to have things my way and it is  difficult on my part,  to complete tasks i.e. finish the painting with no detail left behind, or even the way you hone your personal yoga practice. However, conditioning one’s self, is to “let go” of the things you cannot control. Being a creator of fun jewelry, watercolors, and other art forms, I do delight in the creative process of making my wares. Yet, I’m not a heavy consumer; material items do not make me happy. Spending time with nature, friends and family, makes me very happy. Therefore, when I am making jewelry and spending time with loved ones, I am truly in the moment and being in the moment, is a fundamental key to bringing fulfillment and joy to your entire life!

Llewellyn Vaughn Lee states, that depression is ” a longing for something we do not have in our lives”. This struck a cord with me, yet brightened my soul because I, too, have longings that have yet to come to fruition. So if we know we have these longings, can we not be confident in finding the missing link of them, and setting goals for igniting those passions?

If you are a creator of the arts, you dream, visualize, draw, sketch. You sit at your art table to make items that you desire on a personal level, hoping and knowing that others will also enjoy them, as much you do. It is probably rare when another does not appreciate your work; although, it may be frustrating when your pieces do not sell as quickly as you would like. Does this make you not “good” enough? Certainly not.

Here are a few thoughts to ponder when the deciding factor is letting go of your suffering and embracing yourself.

1.  If you’re not in the moment, you’re always looking for something else which cannot be attained without knowing who you are first. As Jon Kabat-Zinn says, “wherever you go, there you are.” Be there; be present in your own life design.

2.  So who are you? It would be wise to journal your thoughts and write about your own brilliance, your desires, your dreams and concrete ideas for your future. Then align those ideas to enable you to commit to projects that speak YOU!

3.  Have you decided that you are good enough without needing the approval of others? If you are not “good” enough, what will make you better? Please do not seek approval from others. This leads to rejection when rejection is not an option for the Self. 

4.  Love and accept yourself in this very moment. If you have old habits that need re-evaluating, change those habits into positive habits.

5.  Do you not have self-confidence? Self-confidence always comes from within. If you’re not living your dream life, only you can make that happen. Inspire yourself by taking a look in the mirror knowing your are divine just as you are.

6.  Are you living in the past? The past is gone, you are living in the future and as you may have heard many times, the Present is a Gift. Live in this Moment.

7.  What is in the past that is marring your future? It you’ve had a gloomy past molded by negativity, move past old habits and gain new ones. Find positive friends who motivate you. Let go of the negative people who tend to bring you down.

8.  It is helpful when you write down the negative past events then have a ritual burning. Let the thoughts go as the smoke rises.

9.  Live intentionally. Be present and show up for your life. Do one thing each day that may be new to you; something that excites your soul and your inner child.

10. Create and cultivate new ideas about your “new” future and do one thing each day to enable yourself to grow on an intimate level with your Self.

When asked what the number one wish or goal that people want in their lives, the answer is generally to be Happy. It may be a daunting task but I assure you that when you enter into your new happy life, so many other positive things will just “show up.” It is just the Law of Attraction. Attract what you desire today.

* Reference:

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