march 22th 2012 new moon

March 22th 2012 New Moon | Astrology New Moon 03-22-2012 Full Moon

Aries New Moon, 7:37 AM Pacific (more time zones here) conjuncts the volatile, erratic planet Uranus. This is the first New Moon of the zodiacal year, and it contains the potential for sheer genius.

Let’s look more closely.

  • First sign of the zodiac = ARIES
  • Traditional zodiac : body correlation for ARIES = HEAD
  • Yogastrology theme for everyone in the month of Aries = RELAXATION
  • Aries ruling planet = aggressive, heroic warrior MARS


”” Warrior Pose (Aries ruling planet = warrior Mars).

”” Headstands, to honor Aries = head.

”” This is conventional wisdom; not that there’s anything wrong with that {yawn}.


Many wonderful things are blocked from entering our lives, simply because we try so hard to gain ground, to get ahead. Our assignment this New Moon: 

Stop. Trying. So. Hard. 

Especially appropriate this Aries New Moon are subtle adjustments (do them in every asana or better yet, in every moment).

”” Relax lips, tongue, and jaw

”” Soften outer gaze; gently turn your gaze inward

”” Ease forehead; allow space between the eyebrows

”” Release tension throughout your scalp… throughout your entire body

Allow consciousness to seep through your body and mind. If you’re thinking this sounds a lot like Shavasana, you’re right.


Your practice this Aries New Moon is Shavasana. Guided Shavasana, with special rejuvenation for facial muscles, click here.


Little drops of innocence work wonders now. So lie back, recline. “Do” Shavasana.

And You Will Get A Head. Guaranteed.

Namasté. –  Yoga Meets Astrology. Summer 2012 U.S. Launch! Yogastrology Teacher Training – Join us!