online marketing fills yoga classes

answers to frequently asked questions

Are you having trouble filling your classes? Are you looking to attract more students in your local area? Wondering how to get first time students to return for other classes?

The answer to all these questions is online marketing. For many studio owners, marketing yoga classes online to get local students doesn’t make sense. However, the statistics don’t lie. People turn to the internet to find local yoga studios and other local service providers.

What is an effective online marketing strategy for a yoga studio?

The first step in an effective online marketing plan is to create a user-friendly, optimized website. The website should look professional with high-quality images and should have valuable content about your yoga studio and classes. When building your website, ask yourself: What do new and existing yoga students want to see?

Existing yoga students often want to see a class schedule, the hours of the studio, and information about the classes your studio offers. Additionally, they will be looking for links to your social media, how to sign up for newsletters or emails in order to stay current on class offering, specials, and the latest news, and a blog they can subscribe to.

Potential yoga students want to see where you are located, your phone number, what kinds of classes you offer, information about the instructors, educational information for beginners, as well as information about why they should take classes at your studio versus the studio down the street.

Is social media really a good spot for a yoga studio?

The answer is absolutely! Potential students, existing students, and yoga enthusiasts want to stay up to date on the latest information about yoga, yoga classes, and your studio. Social media and blogs are the easiest way to keep your audience informed and up-to-date. You don’t need to have a social media profile on every network out there. A best practice is to pick a few of the social media networks that will work best for your studio and create profiles for your studio on just those networks. Managing a few social media pages is much easier than updating 10 different networks.

Another reason to get active on social media is people are talking about practicing yoga, your yoga studio, your instructors, and the classes you offer. Social media is a great way to get in the conversation. When social media users have questions about yoga, you can respond and answer their questions. Not only do you help abudding yoga student, but you build brand awareness and establish yourself as an authority on yoga.

It’s a fact, people are talking about your yoga studio. Whether people are saying positive or negative things about your studio, you need to be listening. For example, if students are praising a certain instructor or style of class you offer, it might benefit your studio to give that instructor more hours or increase how many times a week that class is offered.

How can I optimize my online presence?

The basics of search engine optimization support optimizing for both users and search engines. While you want search engines to serve up your web pages, blogs, and social media to users, you want the users to have a great experience when they click through to your sites.

First, begin by standardizing your studio name, studio address, and telephone number. This is referred to as Name (N), Address (A), and Phone (P), also known as NAP in optimization language. Standardization determines whether you put “1234 First St” or “1234 First Street,” or you use the “Inc.” after your studio name, or if you use your studio line or cell phone number. Once you have the standardization completed, make sure all of your online pages have the correct standardization of your NAP. NAP is present on review sites, social media, directory listings, and Map listings so be sure to check them all.

Next, choose 5-6 keywords relevant to your business and reflects your class offerings. One of the keywords should include the name of the city or town your studio is located in. The other keywords can be terms like: yoga, yoga studio, yoga class, hot yoga, etc. Keep a list of these keywords and sprinkle them throughout your website, blogs, social media profiles, social posts, and directory listings. Remember to “sprinkle,” not “drown,” your content with keywords. Drowning your online presence in keywords is called “keyword stuffing” and is bad for SEO.

Lastly, write about these keyword topics on your blog, website, and social media. You don’t need to complete these written pieces all at one. Create a calendar and write a web page or a blog once a month about a relevant topic including a few of your keywords.

That’s it! Those are the bare essentials for marketing your yoga studio online.


For more information about marketing your studio online, visit our web marketing blog.

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