turning imagination into results

Trust your Vision and Love the Journey says author James McCrae in his new E-book Turning Imagination into Results. Through an easy-to-read format describing a step-by-step process, James connects to his readers through his own journey that took him from the security of home, friends, family and a secure position in the corporate world to an unknown path of faith, uncertainty, intuition and vision.

In between he lost his New York home to Hurricane Sandy, was left without a plan and ended up moving to an Island where he learned valuable lessons in faith and creativity.

By revealing the human process that most people fear in moving from one reality to another helps to break down the variables and envision the transition physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. And the timing is right as there has been a shift. People are sick of hiding and accepting a life that isn’t their own. And it is becoming safe to dream again.

James describes the dream as:

1. DECIDING the reality you believe in.
2. COMMITTING to living it.
3. CUTTING ties to the contrary.

He encourages a bigger life of truth by separating ourselves from the standards of the status quo in order to fulfill our true purpose and responsibility. The main issue lies in releasing control which is an illusion we create in order to feel secure. But the real work is to embrace the unknown by loving it, accepting it and working with it.

Pure creativity comes from a place where Ego does not exist. It comes from the limitless field of possibility that our fearful minds perceive as uncertainty. But once we release the need to be in control, we find a deeper sense of peace and security in the intelligence and wisdom at work around us. We not only find a newfound sense of security but something much deeper. And magically, the power of synchronicity drives us from one place to another.

In the end, our focus must shift from the outcome to effort. We can only be responsible for our effort because like science, the amount of effort in combination with the frequency and depth of our intention, equals our reality.

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