my manduka mat

‘I need to buy a new yoga mat, what do you think I should get?’ A question I have been asked countless amounts of times. Every time, without hesitation, I reply ‘Manduka’.
At the end of 2009, I began a resident yoga teaching opportunity in Malaysia and had currently been traveling with a very cheap $10 mat which was super lite and easy to fit in my suitcase. After 2 weeks of teaching a total of 28 classes in the Malaysian humidity it was crumbling away fast – with every rollover of my toes, my mat was slowly disappearing. It was time, I decided to invest and that is how I found my beloved purple Manduka PROlite mat.
My new purple PROlite arrived and from day one I was in love. It is light but it still gives me the support and cushioning I need. It is perfect for traveling, I can fold it up so it sits on top of my suitcase and as long as I lay it out flat after I land the crinkles disappear in no time.
Scotland, China, India, Thailand, England, Malaysia, Turkey and Australia – we have done it all together and I still feel today, the way I did on the first day we met.
So if you’re looking for a mat that will go the distance with you, is environmentally friendly and won’t laugh when you face plant after your 3rd attempt at floating up into handstand then go for the PROlite Manduka.
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