living with intent

Living with Intent, by Mallika Chopra, is an easy to read self-help memoir depicting an authentic struggle to find balance and peace in a busy, distracted, and guilt-infused world. In an honest and transparent manner, the daughter of famed meditation guru Deepak Chopra, shares her journey to greater self acceptance, joy, and happiness through a process of I.N.T.E.N.T.

Having been taught the importance of meditation and intention-setting from a young age, Mallika felt inspired and motivated to write this book after feeling guilty about losing control over her own balance and state of well-being as she approached mother-and-career-adulthood. Overwhelming to-do lists, an addiction to chocolate and cupcakes, and an expectation to manifest larger than life intentions, ultimately led her to the triumphant journey she personally shares with her readers. Readers will benefit from this book due to the fact that Mallika openly shares the same story and struggles we all experience on a daily basis.

By going through her journey, and stey-by-step approach, I, for example, was able to experience my own process in healing which felt similar to Mallika’s. The core of the book follows six sections towards connecting to intentions, which she defines as the seed of who we truly aspire to be. Through the acronym of Incubate, Notice, Trust, Express, Nurture and Take Action, Mallika shares the micro-process within each of these stages, helping readers to engage in the process of actualizing their own intentions.

I was inspired to read Mallika’s journey because I felt connected to her daily exprience of thoughts, struggles, and ultimate accomplishments. Coupled with inspiring interviews with Eckhart Tolle, Andrew Weil, Marianne Williamson, and Arianna Huffington, Living with Intent offers great practical insight in leading us towards reaching a simple answer to life which reminds us that every experience, no matter how small or large, offers value and opportunity if we approach it in a meaningful way. In the end, self acceptance and joy are the results of the processes shared in Living with Intent!

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