cooking the yoga sutras, an online course

What foods do you like or dislike and why? To understand those answers is making great spiritual advancements because you are developing a greater self-awareness, and if you get to enjoy some great food along the way, even better.

A fun online course is bringing yoga alive for the householder. Each lesson is comprised of three videos on the particular philosophy being taught, one video to summarize the lesson, and then two videos for the cooking component. The cooking lesson represents a metaphor for the particular sutra being taught. In twelve lessons, you will have more of an idea about what you can do to bring yoga into your everyday life. Recipes and homework suggestions are also given in this unique course.

The spiritual and home life should not be separate. Most of us don’t live in caves isolated from other people, so an integration of our yoga practice should merge effortlessly into our everyday lives. For those of you who like to cook – or at least to eat good food which has been lovingly prepared – the course will help you realize that the kitchen can actually deepen our understanding of some of the mystical yoga teachings within Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

The first thing that Camella Nair helps us understand through her training is that our mind speaks in symbols, and these symbols are subjective. So, two people can look at a piece of chocolate cake and have completely different emotions about it. To understand our own mind can be a long journey that requires constant practice, but this course is here to help.

In yoga we are trying to overcome the obstacles in our lives. We begin with expanding the horizon of our awareness as well as facing the inevitable changes that come into our lives.

$12 off of the $144 sign-up fee goes straight to Sacred Heart Foundation.

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