5 tips on living your dream life

5 Steps to LIVING your dream life manifesting abundance health

Do you know what you want in every area of your life? This means knowing what you want in areas of your life that include – Your physical, your mental state, emotional state, and spiritual state.

This means knowing what you want in your relationships (family, friends, colleagues, partners, etc.). If you don’t know yet, here are 5 steps that will clear your mind and get you on your path for the life of your dream.

1. Figure out what you want: . Write something down in each of these areas. Don’t worry about being perfect. Just start somewhere. You can always come back and ad more. Remember, these lists may change.

2. Make goals: Start making long-term and short-term goals. Big dreams and smaller dreams. Write them down that represent all areas of your life. This helps you get more specific and goes deeper with what you want.

The more specific the better! The reason we do this is, once your figure this out, the Universe will begin to align you with all of this if you allow it. 

TIP: Need help? Take a minute and set an intention to get clear on what you want in a particular area. Listen with your heart and your soul. Let the answers come from there, rather than your head and mind. 

3. Bring it into your awareness: Look at your list of what you want in all the areas of your life and your goals. You can start with a few at a time (so you don’t overwhelm yourself), of if you feel ready, read them all daily.

Read these lists and feel these goals here now, as though they are present in your life. Really FEEL this as your reality. Once you do this, you can literally trick your subconscious into believing this IS reality and then it will start to happen. Our beliefs shape our outside experience.

We must train our minds to believe something for it to become a truth in our world. Do this for 40 days. According to scientific studies, it takes 30 days to change a pattern and 40 days to implement that pattern. I have done this with great results! 

TIP: Create a healthy structure for yourself and do a 30 day challenge so that you DO it. 

4. Belief: A HUGE part of making this all happen is believing you are worthy of this kind of life.

Repeat to yourself daily that you ARE worthy and that it will be easy to experience what you want until you believe it. If you have sabotaging beliefs, tell them “thank you” but I am not believing that lie and replace with a positive belief.

Going deeper: You may also need to do deeper work with a specialist who can help you go into the root of the issue to let it be freed energetically. That is something you will need to decide. 

TIP: Listen to positive music, programming, listen to people with positive messages. Keep positive and uplifting energy around you.

5. Commitment: Commit doing this work because you are worth it. Don’t stop until you are there. When you feel like stopping, that is when you must continue.

If you want this, you will do whatever it takes, and whatever it takes is a commitment to not giving up. You may forget. Come back and start again. Keep going and continue. 

Also Read>>> From Dream to Reality

TIP: Tell a close friend, family member or partner that is supportive of you and tell them what you are doing. Talk to them when you need an extra boost or reminder. Extra support will only help the process.

One last note – Remember not to be attached to the outcome. Stay focused on what you want, but remember sometimes things don’t happen because something else needs to.

So feel it out. Keep connecting to what your HEART says and be flexible to change. Believing things are here without attachment to them is key. And remember this is not about acquiring things or just getting what you want.

This is about allowing greatness, abundance, freedom, joy and bliss into you life. 

To learrn more on creating your dream life – monicaloren.com

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