simple inputs for great outcomes

you are your best investment

This article is for anyone who has done things a little differently than expected by the system, whether by choice or by experience. I am currently a fifth year undergraduate, and i’ll tell you — the heat is on. I think my journey would be less meaningful, if I didn’t share it. Who knows, had I read something like this four or so years ago, things might be different?

Maybe not, but sharing is growing and I’m a firm supporter of that! So I’d love to introduce a potential ”˜College Handbook’ of inevitable life situations that one comes across at some point during their collegiate career, and what options can be considered when addressing the latter. For example:

Work: It’s doable and it’s a great experience in teaching time management (efficiency) and prioritization.

Organization is lethal: It will allow you to get the things you need out of the way, and enjoy the moments of celebration like you were on the cast of the Hangover. When you’re organized, you’re able to accommodate for emergencies at no cost to your peace of mind. You’re in control, and agreed we do not control our environment but we do control our response to it. Being organized means being in charge. And no matter your decision, you have considered all your options – and self doubt is therefore not on the table.

Be kind to yourself: Always. Set aside 30 minutes of your day unapologetically to yourself. Listen to a podcast, read a book, take a walk, eat a tasty cake — whatever floats your boat. This time is key, if you don’t enjoy spending it with yourself, how do you expect anyone else to? This time also enables you to realize, you have you: and that’s all you need whether you want more is secondary.

Maintain contact with your family: They are precious gems who love you despite whether you may like them or not. To be loved is to feel both sides of the sun as we’ve heard and they’ve lived longer, they know more. Like when you’ve played all the levels of that video game and you know what it takes to beat each level: they know what it takes, they’ve been there — help them help you and listen to them. It’s the coolest thing because, why make mistakes when you have a wealth of “DIY’s on a better college experience.” (pinterest lovers that was for you)

Spend your time with the right people: friends especially. Do you learn from them? Do you laugh with them? Do you love yourself while with them? Do they introduce new perspectives to your thinking? Note that you must value yourself highly to truly place value on the impact others bring to your life. Referencing #3: be kind to yourself.

Balance –on your head, twice daily: Ha! Just kidding: balance between your work life and your personal life. Duly note that your “personal life” and your “me time” are mutually exclusive. Too much of anything is a bad thing, like Katt Williams once said “if you popped 12 pills of advil to aid your headache, it will the last headache you have.”  

Speak your mind: There is a fine line between being politically correct and appeasement. I know this because I’ve blurred it often times in the past. Say what you mean, or don’t say anything that all. No driver is better than a bad driver.

Sit and breathe: Did you know that the most important part of the brain is the one that controls our breathing? And subsequently our heart rate, cholesterol, blood pressure and your life (health). What’s more impressive is that unlike other species, we have the ability to perform executive functions such as controlling your breath, meaning the ability to control your life. Don’t take my word for it – try it. This is a great link to putting this into perspective and practice: Tips on meditation.

Love. Yourself.

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