the sutras of holistic wealth | part two

financial sutras to live by – part two

Living a prosperous life is a habit that must be cultivated from within. We each have a choice whether to train ourselves to become abundant in every area of our lives, including our finances, or to settle for our current results. In order to assess the health of your relationship with your finances, there are some simple questions you can ask yourself that will reveal a lot about where you are now and where you have the potential to go should you commit to creating a new set of financial habits in your life. Are you happy with how much is in your bank account today?

Are you satisfied with how many assets you have? Stocks? Bonds? Real estate? And most importantly, how do you feel about your potential or worthiness to be prosperous? Do you have faith that possibility coupled with your creativity will produce tangible financial results consistently? Or do you feel fear, lack, limitation and extreme challenge when it comes to your money? Wealth can be an intimidating thing. It can offer us tremendous opportunities and has the potential to open up a world of possibility. However, the more money you have, the more you will be held accountable by society for who you are and what you stand for. Viewing money and wealth from a holistic point of view, it’s clear that the more you have, the more you have to give.

As this new year begins and the energy of growth and renewal is in the air, the opportunity to make profound changes to your relationship with money is ripe. Wholeheartedly practicing the following six financial sutras will encourage you to evolve beyond your current prosperity consciousness not just financially, but in all areas of your life. The universe is constantly conspiring to give you your heart’s desire. However, you can only realize your heart’s desire if you are prepared to receive it.

In part 1 of this series we looked at the first three financial sutras for creating wealth and cultivating prosperity consciousness. Now we complete our journey with sutras four through six.

Financial Sutra 4

Take Advantage of Financial Experts A financial teacher, expert, coach, guide or consultant can only give what the student is willing to receive. The more you choose to appreciate the financial experts’ efforts, the more they will be able to impart wisdom, knowledge, skills and tools to you. How do you currently receive formalized education on this subject? Is it with an open and joyous heart? Or do you judge harshly and approach making positive shifts with your money skeptically? How you bring yourself to the learning process will determine exactly how much you learn! You will need to cultivate an entire laundry list of relationships with these financial experts in order to achieve any significant new financial results that will last you a lifetime, so challenge yourself to bring the best attitude you can toward your financial learning curve. You see, your attitude to learning will certainly determine your financial altitude.

Financial Sutra 5

Make 10 New Friends It is estimated that your financial net worth today is the average of your ten closest friends. You don’t need to get rid of your current friends; you just need to make some new ones. Why? So that you can expand your expectation level of what you think is possible when it comes to lifestyle and money. Who currently models success for you? Who, in your circle of influence, challenges you financially to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to money? What would happen if you had a few more of those individuals in your immediate world that you interacted with frequently? Wealthy and successful people have cultivated a lifetime of wealthy and successful friends and colleagues to share ideas, inspire, support and enjoy the beauty of the journey together toward new financial results.

Financial Sutra 6

Step Out of Your Financial Comfort Zone In order to have new financial results, you and your life will need to be in a constant state of change. In essence, you will need to embrace your own financial evolution and transformation. I believe we are not here to be who we are, but we are here to be more of who we are. When you commit to new financial results, you will often be stepping out of your current financial comfort zone, and when you do, it will not always be easy. High peak performers train themselves to be comfortable being uncomfortable. They implicitly understand that when they are uncomfortable, especially with new financial action steps, this is an affirmation that new desired results are manifesting for themselves.

Most individuals don’t understand that they have financial comfort zones, and when they step out of them they perceive challenges or fears that arise as a sign they should do nothing. In actuality, this is the worst thing they could do, as it recommits them to the exact same financial result they currently have with no new wealth-building knowledge, as they never took any new action. If you are out of your financial comfort zone and practicing new actions toward creating new financial results, affirm to yourself how exciting it is to be stepping closer and closer into your ideal financial future. I believe money reflects our innermost values and has the power to reveal what is truly inside of us. Money is also about choices.

The more money you have, the more positive choices you have. True financial wealth is a place of security and abundance where you are financially free to stop working for a living and start living for your work””your life’s work. Practice these six super financial sutras consistently each day this year and watch yourself steadily stepping into all your heart desires! Let us know how you feel about this and other articles in Yogi Times.

Vanessa Summers teaches a holistic approach to money in her Wealth & Success workshop intensives. She is a Registered Investment Advisor, and author of Get In The Game – The Girl’s Guide to Money & Investing and Buying Solo – The Single Woman’s Guide to Buying Her Own Home. CNBC refers to her as the “Financial Guru.”