finding our tribe

I was sitting in yoga the other evening and began to get emotional. (No, I wasn’t in a hip opener!) I have been having strong desires to move my home elsewhere for some time. The desire for more peace, nature, a slower pace, and finding my tribe has been pressing on me lately. As I took my seat in yoga, I began to get emotional about all the teachers in my city that I would be leaving behind. I am so blessed and filled with gratitude for all the times I have stepped on my mat in this city whether it’s the Westside or the Eastside or somewhere in between.

This is the beautiful way in which yoga works off the mat. I took a deep breath as clarity and grounding came rushing in. This practice has taught me to trust life, the seen and the unseen. Everything was going to be okay, because the perfect teachers would show up for me wherever I go. I am able to cultivate a community and a place where I feel safe and held in any town, city or country. 

Each time I show up to practice, I support myself first and then the overflow goes to others. As I nourish myself and those who I interact with, I am better able to attract those things that best serve me and my growth. As my yoga practice continues to evoke an opening of my heart, I am better able to navigate to my next destination. As I nourish myself through my practice, I take steps in my life to hear the stirrings of my heart.

So as I prepare for the idea of finding my tribe and where I will settle and rest my head, I trust that the unseen will organize itself beautifully and that there will be a place for me to lay my mat and settle into practice.

I can’t wait for the journey to begin.


Heather Trappler lives in Los Angeles & can be found @

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